
Posts Tagged ‘hearing aid blogs’

5 Blogs We Love: Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss, & Being Deaf

March 28, 2011 Leave a comment

We love reading stories by individuals’ with any degree of hearing loss. When we read a blog that inspires us, we know that there are others out there in need who are reading and being inspired as well.

Today we’d like to share 5 of our favorite blogs with you, and say thank you to those individuals who have shared their story:

1. Speak Up Librarian

This blog is about a librarian who became deaf as an adult. You can read her story and check out her recommended reading list, among other things. Most recently her blog has expanded beyond her journey with hearing loss because, as she says, “I’ve found that life goes on after hearing loss.”

2. Hearing Sparks

Written by a 23-year-old who was diagnosed with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss in both ears at the age of 4, this blog explores some interesting (and humorous) scientific topics that revolve around hearing loss. Another great list of recommended reads as well.

3. I look so I can hear…

Named one of the Top 100 Deaf Blogs, this is the story of a profoundly deaf woman with speech who has cochlear implants.  Her story is honest, touching, and serves her purpose –  “to pass on my knowledge to make the hearing journey easier for other people.”

4. Eh? What? Huh?

This is an extremely creative blog (great pictures, great posts) by an itinerant teacher of deaf and hard of hearing students.  Great videos, how tos, and opportunities to donate your gently used hearing aids.

5. Deaf Read

A collection of deaf blogs and vlogs, this is a great site to visit if you want to read some good blogs or if you have a blog you’d like to submit to the community.

What blogs inspire you?